...or not
So every last flake of snow decided to melt, and right now it is a grand total of (get ready for a stellar display of math skills): 7x3=42/2=21x1=20+1=22-1=21 degrees farenheit (but feels like 4 degrees with wind chill), and the sun is out, and there IS NO SNOW.
I have PROOF of how the red line is an awesomely bad means of public transportation, and deserves to be roundly and heartily jeered at for 3 hours straight.
Last night I wanted to go to Trader Joe's. So on we pile to the 55 bus, then down to the red line, where we found the train stuck at the beginning of the platform with wooden planks stuck to the front. And they sat there for I don't know how long scratching their heads, and had the potential passengers shipped down 3 stops by bus so we could stand at the Sox stop listening to the same song and dance about a train being stopped at Garfield. When we finally decided to give up and go back in the other direction, of COURSE the northbound trains were working, and we were obliged to watching about 8 red line north bound trains go zooming merrily past us while we were waiting for the 55 bus, which is about 3 seconds away from being just as shitty as the red line.
Here's a picture:

James is ready to jump down there, roll up his sleeves, and get to work extricating the train from the biggest wreck of the decade.
Anyway, we're getting ready to go to the Thanksgiving dinner at Hutch, which starts at 11AM and ends at 1:30PM. That only gives you 2.5 hours to get in the mood to eat serious food, which seems like it's going to be hard to do, since I just woke up at 11.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving break everybody!
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