I had just written a half-hearted entry about me listing the really boring things I did for Christmas, which went by with me:
1. Waking up at 10 AM
2. Going back to bed at 11 AM
3. Waking up at 3 PM
4. Watching 2 movies. Neither of which were musicals.
But I CANNOT leave such a post up after someone WANTED me to update!
(I feel the composing chemicals rekindling in my brain!)
So Christmas came in with my sister and me going Christmas tree hunting on the night of the 23rd. Let me give you guys a tip: don't wait this long anymore. A long time ago, you could get away with this fast move, because then you'd get a dirt-cheap tree. You can still get a tree for a pretty small hefty sum of change, but you really have to look.
My sister and I could only find the really thorny Christmas tree type, which my mom hates. So I called my mom up with this information, and she said "Well, then let's not have a tree, I guess," which translates into: "You'd better produce a tree before the 25th, whether you have to lie, cheat, or steal to get one, or you're going to meet your savior before your time is ripe."
So, that's what we did. We finally found a lot with 3 of the non-thorny versions left (which also happened to be the last 3 trees in the lot), and while I left to go to the ATM, I instructed my sister to guard this precious find with bared teeth and a maniacal look in her eye, which turned out to be necessary, since there was quite a rush to this lot at this time. It could have been because of the tree(s), but I'm inclined to think it was because of the very attractive British Christmas tree assistant offering his help most graciously to the customers, which prompted me to give him an exorbitant tip. But this is what the "Christmas spirit" is all about, eh?
Christmas eve was spent with us cleaning, me decorating the Christmas tree (actually, me throwing ornaments on random onto the tree as if it were fly-paper), and making a horrifically terrible dinner. It was magnificently gross. Susan, Earl, and Vasi...cannot spell the rest of his name, came over for dinner, and then we went to midnight mass in Encino.
And you know what I did Christmas day.
So that brings us back to the present...2:01 AM, Pacific Coast time. I found out yesterday that I am in fact going back to Chicago January 1st, so you guys will have to deal with me for an entire 24 hours less than previously projected.
You can now thank the lord, since he has been born.
Not that I have seen many of my friends since being here. And if I continue this post, I might start complaining about that.
I leave you instead with a merry after-Christmas, and I hope everyone is safe and happy.
I am making A New Year's Resolution known to blog this year, which is new. You can look forward to that one.
My next door neighbors threw their tree to the curb on the 26th. Why let Christmas linger when you can trash it, really?
-Mary Kate "I saw Adrianne Gyorfi in Westwood" Slattery
Is your blog now an independent entity? Like, "Hey, Adrianne, can do you and Blog want to come to In-N-Out with us?" or "Blog, I only do it because I love you, girl"? Or has the harsh, grating "sun-shine" of the farther reaches of our country infected your head, causing you to speak in cavemanesque fragments?
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