Written primarily to keep my sanity intact
So, the time has finally come: the night (err...morning) before my art history final. Huzzah.
I have spent an absolutely riveting day in the library, where I read lots and lots of articles. Lots of them. And I still have to memorize things.
The primary thing that kept my focused while reading was being forced to imagine that I was one of the characters in the articles. I would never be able to do that with sosc because I don't want to imagine I'm Adam Smith, but, come on, who DOESN'T want to imagine they're the Immaculate Virgin aka Pachamama in Peru surrounded by roses AND apparitions?
Imagining this stuff also brought me, naturally, around to imagining that I'd live in that time. Which was really fun, especially when I got to Louis XIV and all his crazy parties in Versailles. So, here are:
Adrianne's Top Eras She Wished She Would Have Lived In:
1940s-1950s - If I were to live in these times, I would have wanted to be in my mid 20s-early 30s, and I would have wanted to be very pretty. Actress pretty, in the vein of Ava Gardner, Natalie Wood, or Marilyn Monroe. So, I would have wanted to be a combination of these people, and so then I would have been basically guaranteed to get a role in any B-grade movie I could shake a stick at.
Yes, I KNOW women were repressed and everything like that. Believe me. I've written quite a few essays on women being repressed and living in a male-dominant society. I took Reading Cultures as my hum last year, remember?
1660s - This is when Louis XIV was around in Versailles. After reading about his fetes...wow. I would have wanted to be married to one of the people of his court, so it wouldn't have mattered if I were really pretty or not. But it would have increase my chances of having an illicit fling with the Sun King. And I might have gotten to go to one of his private dinners. Look at him!

Take a look at his strong, virile legs! RAWR!
(This is but an initial indication that Adrianne is now CRAZY)
1780s 1790s - When Goya was painting, and I would have liked to sit for him. Clothed. None of that Maja Desnuda business. I would have wanted to do this because he made lovely paintings. Naturally, I can't find my favorite one by him, but the first thing that popped into my head when I actually did see the painting was "Wow, that is a very tender painting." I NEVER use the word tender aside from chicken breasts and lambchops, and so it would be a new experience. But it's one of those words, like pumpkin, that I'd want to (spontaenously) be called one day. It's inconceivable in this day and age, but if I were living in the 1770s, who knows? Maybe I would have been "tender" AND "pumpkin"-ish.
Today, getting coffee, I saw a girl get a milkshake, say her prayer, make a sign of the cross, and GO OUTSIDE. I was thinking that she was probably giving thanks for her $1 shake, but I would have been praying that I wouldn't get frostbite going into the 13 degree weather with A MILKSHAKE MADE OUT OF ICECREAM.
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