I'll be the first to admit I'm not the brightest box in the crayon
Recently, Julie has been getting a grand kick out of something I said, namely, that I thought killer whales were sharks. This came up over the weekend when we were talking about killer whale (sharks), and I mentioned how I thought they were sharks. Since then, I have been inundated with pictures such as this:

All sent by Julie, in order to educate me about the fine nuances between sharks and whales.
Behold: the one on the LEFT is a WHALE, the one on the RIGHT, is a SHARK.
Each day, she periodically breaks out into wee giggles in her corner between translating Arabic and doing her homework for next month in the Dynamic Earth and Environment, saying:
However, I was not the one who just struggled for 3 minutes to open up a vitamin container.
Also, when I change my "screensaver," I don't actually go and change my "desktop."
That's right. I might not know the difference between a whale and a shark, I might have been pronouncing "vaginal" wrong my entire life, but I do know what my desktop and my screensaver are (Julie). I've also known since about 2nd grade that mechanical pencils are indeed retractable.
You can go take that picture of a killer shark (whale) off your screensaver now. Or OOPS, do I mean your desktop?
Haven't you seen Free Willy and Jaws?
If you haven't, then hollywood has failed to properly educated you on the difference between killer whales (cuddly, but badass) and great white sharks (just badass)
One character my friend and I are writing into our sketch comedy show is called "the Man with the Disorder." The premise of the character is that he means one word, but always accidentally says another.
But even he knows what a shark looks like.
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