You know, moms are usually right. Especially in two things:
1. You should have gotten it when you saw it
2. You look like a clown wearing that.
Case in point:

I was reading the evolution of Islamic architecture while painting my nails, which I NEVER DO to my fingernails on my hands, but then again, how often do you read about Islamic architecture? and when I was done, I gazed down, horrified, at what I had just done.
I look like a third grader playing dressup with her prostitute mom's nailpolish. I'm just not a polish-on-the-hands girl. It's like those girls who can wear ties: some people can, some people just look like loons doing it.
Is this important enough to merit a post? Not really. So I'll elaborate with some things I did this weekend.
Oh let's see...
Yesterday: Spend 45 minutes trying to translate an Egyptian particle that is not supposed to be translated, which I have been using since only the second week of school, and which I kept on dividing up in the wrong way because I do not use the brain God has given me.
Today: Concert. Homework. Breakfast. Not quite in that order, but whatever.
Friday: Coffee, food, work, homework. Again, not in that order.
So, let's SEE Adrianne's weekend, well, in part.

And one more for the road...

Mary Kate told us to make stupid faces.
I can't figure out what looks stupider: me with this nailpolish on, or me in that picture.
I feel so pretty. I bet Frankie will massage your aching feet.
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