Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I finished my essay at around 4-ish. Not bad, eh?

Now the computer will not turn on for me to print it.

Just my luck, eh?

I swear, if ANYTHING at all can go wrong, I will experience it. If there is a %0.000000000000000000000001 chance that, oh, I don't know, my fingers will fall off when I'm taking notes, then they will fall off eventually. But if there's a 99% possibility that my computer will turn on when I push the button in the morning, it will not happen.

The Dell representative I've been talking to for...50 minutes and 13 seconds now kept on repeating "No problems" to me with each successive failure to launch the computer. No problems? Yes, from the point of view of a paperweight collector of large, cumbersome, and ugly objects I see no problem. Nor would I see a problem if I were a serial killer and beat my victims to death with laptop computers, my victims who would mainly be Dell representatives. But as it is, I've got a problem of monumental scale on my hands, since, as a student, my sole function in life is to blog, freecell, facebook, and download pictures onto my computer. Oh, and write essays.


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