Visual analysis of a "Computer Technician"
I'm an art history major. This means I get to wax lyric about many an obvious and useless thing. Let's do a mini visual analysis together (courtesy of Google's "painting" idea who the artist is):

This painting was most likely executed right after the Baroque and into Rococo period when France and all the rest of Europe were traveling. The poses and clothing of these Native Americans indicates a growing fascination with The New World, and King Louis XIV would have had something like this hanging in his reception hall as a sign for visiting ambassadors that HE'S the MAN and can control the world if he wants to. The almost other-worldly, ethereal background surrounding the Native American is but a small window into what would eventually turn into full-blown out-of-this-world Rococo when people were flitting around in backgrounds like this without a care in the world.
If I were in art history, I'd have to write 5 pages of stuff like this. I'd go into color, composition, lines, space, movement, technique, history, and so on and so forth.
However, I don't need 5 pages to analyze this:

The two standing figures in the background are students in their dorm: they are dressed for utility, not for fashion, and they have junk strewn around everywhere. Their frantic gestures toward the computer and printers indicate there is something seriously wrong with the technology habitating the room. The figure languishing in the foreground on the ground is the computer technician, lethargically observing the utter chaos developing around him as Mary Kate can only get a sheet like this to print:

Namely, a blank sheet. But that could be because she decided to print her scanned face with glorious results such as these:

Instead of the thousand paper cranes, we've got the thousand paper faces. That's right. That's the next art form I'll hopefully get to analyze in the future.
What sort of computer technician lets helpless computer users run amuck like this? This all means that the "computer technician" on the floor is not very useful and he should seriously look into fixing my camera so that it would actually upload pictures onto MY computer and not another person's before I throw my computer AND camera at him.
ANYHOW, the esteemed Jared Leibovichivicyivichy(eivchly) had said I should write about what I see myself doing in 10 years.
Easy answer.
Aside from wearing finery such as this:

I will make burnt, terrible cookies every other day, and on Sundays I will cook a special meal of corn bread and corned beef. Then I will do some visual analysis on my sweater.
Obviously, it is 3:56 AM and I just started my art history paper. Swell.
What the real question should be is where I see myself in 60 years. I hope I will be as sprightly as my host lady the past summer with the "disconcerting eye problem." The only handicap I have now is that I will have to lose an eye between now and then, but no problem, after looking at that sweater long enough I'm sure I wouldn't mind losing both eyes.
Does everyone know about disconcerting eye lady? She had a glass eye. On the description of her, it also said that she "smoked occasionally." Translation: Smoked like a factory's chimney. Was insane. I blame (bless?) her for starting me on a road to utter corruption. So, gracias, Marivi. I remember you and your dirty dog fondly, and I wish I were lounging in the sun right now.
I think you'll be eating jello. Probably green.
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