Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Reflections with a pulled muscle (in my bum)

Earlier this evening I was walking along Kimbark when I saw a rickety old house with a very imposing "Beware of dog" sign menacingly stuck on its front door. The entire house was so fragile that it looked like it would up and run if confronted by a rabid mutt.

Yes, that description sounds remarkably like the defense mechanism for those insects or animals that resemble venomous creatures but are actually harmless, and I might only be writing all this because, well, it's 1:31 AM now and I just want to somehow drag myself to my super uncomfortable bed to get some restless sleep (waa waa waa shut up Adrianne), but these types of signs would make life a lot easier if they existed so obviously for people.

If I could, say, have a couple of signs like:

Warning: Inordinately stubborn over stupid things person ahead


Beware of Radically Negative and Self-Deprecating Person

Then not only would it be somehow kind of freeing to admit I've got something bad and scary, but then I might not have to meet the very people who worry me. Like those bugs. Although it doesn't exactly make much sense, but maybe they resemble bigger version of the very animals who are trying to eat it. Yeah, yeah, I remember from bio that they resemble the predators of their predator, but what would stop that other predator from eating the harmless one?

Anyhow, even though I'm in no place to say, I'm guessing parenting is something like this. Well, ok, not necessarily with the signs, but that the parent recognizes some of their own faults in their kid and tries to change that because they don't want to relive it. Then the phrase "The fruit never falls far from the tree" or "like mother, like daughter" is something they would not want to hear, eh?

I make absolutely no sense.

Enough talk, Adrianne. Here are some pictures from the first day of break. I don't know how that works, but I know at least one person will be happy that I used flickr instead of webshots, and will therefore not send said perseon into convulsions over the ads frantically flashing in the sidebars.

And here is something I don't know works, since it's through picassa and it just says something about a webpage, but golly gee, if that really is a webpage and I don't have to resize everything to stick onto flickr to still only get get a measly amount of pictures per month to put into my account, then I'm all for it. This second thing, if it works, demonstration how Adrianne takes pictures: point, then click a billion times at the same thing, eventually one will turn out.

**EDIT** damn. does not work. that's ok.


At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I look like death in those photos...I am the same color as the stone of the Getty

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Kat said...

speaking of bad parents and falling from things, i read an interesting story today:


(scroll down to EvilGentleman's second comment if impatient)

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I have a copy of the full-sized picture of Mulholland at night that you took? That's just about my favorite view in LA, and I miss it.


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