So I hear CA is having some bad weather...
Friday morning I handed in my Egyptian final and so came a rather unexciting denoument to my week as I was escorted back to the dorm on the wings of seraphins (<--do they even have wings?) and a herald of angels to sleep for a tiny bit before I woke up myself and aged about 50 years in 3 seconds when I thought I had forgotten to turn in the final. Friday also marked the first time I was alone in the dorm room for an extended period of time, since my three roommates went to some sort of concert. This means I had the rare opportunity to run around yoddeling in my room and checking my roommates' bra and underwear sizes.
(Do not think there was no yoddeling. Since we have rented The Sound of Music 2 weeks ago (terribly overdue) The Lonely Goatherd song has been a big hit in our room)
In my current state of lethargy, I have nothing to talk about, but here are some pictures from yesterday:

Featuring Tina's hand

Why hullo Tina.

Weird out-of-business hotdog stand on Goose Island. Wish I would have taken a picture of it from the front, on second glance.

A mall. Who can pick out the 7th graders?

Yes, they do indeed dye the Chicago River green for St. Patrick's day. Yesterday was the day when the parade downtown was happening, and everyone went crazy. Everyone was wearing green.
I am so tired right now I can't think. It's hard to do nothing for a day.
I picked up a magazine with Shakira on the cover of it. Want to know what the title of the article about her is?
"Love in the Time of Shakira."
That TITLE IS SO BAD it made me almost not want to read the article. Love in the Time of Cholera didn't even take place in Colombia, like where she is now I think, which was the only POSSIBLE place to make the remotest connection between her and Gabriel García Marquez.
I guess "Well, Shit," isn't a winner either, and I am notorious for bad titles on papers, but this Shakira title was just so bad. Like if I'd be writing an article about the Mona Lisa and the title would be "Lovin' in the Louvre."
Ok, that's what I'll do.
Stream of consciousness list of items with titles:
Rollerblades: Rolling with the Stars
Car wheels: Brake for Speed
Ice cream: Icedream
Seashells: Egg Shells, Harden Up
Braces: Straighten up
Fan: Fanny your way into Style
Tupperware: Wear the Ware
See, not hard at all to come up with shitty titles.
b-o-r-i-n-g. yawn. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
oh poor you so bored with nothing to do. :P
Where is that place with the bike? I know where it is, but I can't place it.
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