I have 5 songs on itunes right now.
I could meticulously retell my weekend right now. I could also run full speed through one of the windows of the Shoreland and get kicked out of housing before I reached the ground, but I'm just going to sit here instead and post pictures. Because with quite a bit of reading to finish, what else would I do?
There used to be a picture of Mary Kate here. But she made me take it down. She is a conniving, loose woman and I hope all her children will look like weasels.

Something's coming, I don't know what it is, but it is going to be great...

My favorite part about ducks, aside from their quacks.

or alternately...since there is a world of difference between the two...

So, it was Juan's birthday on April 1st. Tina decided she wanted to celebrate his Latino heritage and made some churros in the kitchen, which fast transformed into a battle between me and the ingredients used.

Step 1: Get excited about making churros

Step 2: Squeeze batter into a GIANT VAT OF HOT OIL.

Step 3: Watch it fry. While flipping it with a spatula (<--not pictured)

Step 4: Roll in cinnamon and sugar. Yes, we were quite aware they looked like animal turds

Enjoying the churros.

Then the trashbag ripped when I tried pouring the leftover oil into it. Then I had to clean it all up.
The other big change around here was that Kat kindly painted the kitchen lime green. See?

Do not be intimidated by that large pile of dishes in the kitchen. They are always there, and I made sure they were in the rack and not in the sink to deceive you into thinking we do not live in utter squalor. But this brings me around to something else.
Roommates, I recommend we reinstate the Do Your Own Dishes policy.
The process usually goes something like:
We use dishes
Dirty dish pile grows
I get sick of seeing them in the sink, so I do them
The pile grows on the dishrack.
I don't like putting away dishes. But I still do them occasionally, so the clean pile of dishes resembles Jenga.
Mary Kate puts them away at some point in time.
Now, the beauty of dishes is that they're ALWAYS there waiting for you. You can't say the same thing about lots of things in life, like cheap airplane tickets, buses, or your prom date when he sees you wore a rainbow-colored tube dress for the big night. We had D.Y.O.D. for about a full 3 weeks before break, and it worked semi-nicely.
Let's give it another try, shall we? Before I throw the dirty towel in and start throwing away dishes and silverware.
how about this adrianne:
don't put ugly pictures of me on blog if you want me to do the stupid dishes!
Depending on the success you've had with this DYOD program, if you've a spare little whiteboard around or something that can serve a similar purpose, one thing a friend of mine had some success with was the following:
They had a chart which was an n by n grid where n was the number of people sharing their kitchen. Basically if you did the dishes for somebody else, you'd just mark it up and for every dish you did for somebody else, they were expected to repay with two, hence an incentive to do your own dishes. I imagine if you added some sort of provisions for, or a conversion rate between doing dishes and putting dishes away, such a system would be fairly easily implemented.
This of course all assumes that people do cash in, and that people will pay up when payment is due.
i don't know about the other citizens of our lovely republic, but i think that would just make me rebellious and angry and i'd start refusing to do dishes, incl. my own. and i am a staunch supporter of dyod. your friend's tolerance for bylaws is impressive.
*friendly, no matter what the text of this msg makes it sound like*
p.s. eggy if you want any of my songs you're welcome to them
seconding Kat's possible feelings of general anger and rebelliousness were such a system to be instituted. adding that I would probably go on a hunger strike
Haha well obviously such a system wouldn't work well for you all then.
Another extreme approach which I sort of imagine would also not work out terribly well, would be to basically take all the dishes and silverware and such and box it all up except for 4 plates, 4 forks, etc. And then everybody is essentially responsible only for their own items.
This is more or less carrying the notion of throwing out dishes to an extreme and doesn't involve actually throwing stuff out unless people start dipping into the sealed and put away box.
Things likes pots and pans though will remain problematic if they already are, though less so because there will be less other stuff in the way.
my roomtaes dont do dishes either.
my hands are always dry and unlotioned b/c i spend half the day w/ them underwater so i can wash the 30340132412341234 cups they manage to go through in order to pour themself a glass of milk.
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