The promised goods, delivered
This blog, in addition to being a window to my addictive nature and scrambled mind, has revealed my technologically failed endeavors. I am the detrimental equivalent of Midas and the Golden Touch.
Adrianne and the Adverse Pat. That's what my legend would be called.
Anyhow, Friday night as I was leaving the dorm with the esteemed Abbie Toney to get her some McDonald's, all the electricity in the dorm went out. Poof, just like that, and a collective pained and surprised yell resounded behind us as hundreds of college students were suddenly torn away from watching The Greatest Game Ever Played, Queer as Folk, porn, from facebooking, and from performing whatever illicit activities they might have been doing. That right there was a sign: Adrianne, you break everything you touch.
Then I reached into my pocket to look at my cell phone and lo! the small little screen was entirely black with the ominous words "check SIM" frozen on its (dense...ugly...thick...half-witted...) face. It continued to shine there until we re-entered the darkened dorm and while we sat around with dozens of lit tea candles surrounding us.
Everyone, this means the following: I GOT A NEW CELL PHONE

The shining white beacon of light on the left is my new medium of communication, which shall henceforth be named Gonorrhea, because I SAY SO.


Ok, so some sacrifice had to be made in thickness...

A whole new set of bells and whistles.
In short, I don't have anyone's cell phone number anymore, because my old cell phone was too old to have that nifty function of saving things ONTO THE SIM CARD, like this phone can do. When I brought in my little dark blue soldier, the T-Mobile people looked at me like I was from the ice age. Yes, yes that's right, this phone has got blackjack on it. And it has no wall paper.
If you want me to have your cell phone number, please e-mail me at...
I am expecting to be innundated with hundreds of e-mails NOW. HA!
I still view this change as nothing short of the apocalypse. It is an utter disaster, but I am adjusting well to the change, considering the phone has hardly left my hands since I got it. A vast improvement over the last phone, which would hardly be in my hands or in my possession over the course of a week.
Hey, I had that exact same cellphone as your old one until, oh, December 2004. December 6, 2004, I believe. It's nicer than you give it credit for being, though I wouldn't go back.
-- Bruce
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