Business Class Lounge Baby! Everything looks better from Business Class!
I’m currently sitting in a leather chair in the club lounge for Lufthansa’s business class guests sipping some Guinness. I don't particularly like it, but it's the principal of the deal! I thought I’d update the blog with this information to inform everyone how the other half lives, and at the moment, I find it quite amusing.
I started off this leg of the journey at 7:15 AM. Oh but wait, FIRST, I got in line at 6:15 AM (!) to get on the plane. In true-blue Unitedian fashion, I was informed that I couldn’t check in, because I was too late, since check-in closes 45 minutes before departure. You do the math. I turned that equation inside-out, upside-down, and I still ended up with the grand total of checking in one FULL HOUR before departure, which definitely did not add up to a mere 45 minutes before departure, whose derivative was a very panicked Adrianne thinking she might not be flying on business class, because she was too late.
But United pulled through this time. After a laborious process of head scratching and nose rubbing, an agent had her “ah-HA” moment, and noticed I was indeed checking in what would appear to be before 45 to departure, and I was on my way.
First class boards early. Want to know what happens in between the time first class passengers board and the
Everyone knows that in economy class, if you turn your head to say hello, you’re pretty much French-kissing your neighbor. Not so in business class my friend! The seats were situated so far apart from each other it was necessary to yell to make yourself heard by the person sitting next to you. I could have turned cartwheels in between and over the seats! My traveling companion was some gentlemen who looked interesting, mostly because you could tell that he was the sort of guy who had led a wild life before settling down to a leisure life of first class travel, fetch with his kids, and weed-free lawns. I got this information solely from his deep tan, bleached hair, wedding ring, and the fact that he was still able to grin jovially at me after I had smacked him full in the face with my bag and jacket while I was bounding into my seat to see if it really would recline to near 180 degrees, or if there was a free pack of cigarettes hidden in the arm rest.
So now in
P.S. Now in the Frankfurt airport listening to The Cardigans, because for some reason, Germany always reminded me of The Cardigans for no good reason at all, besides for when I studied here then one of my friends always listened to their songs.
Oh yeah. And I totally had sparkling wine on the plane. MUAHAHA

No lines! Suck it United!

Lobby to lounge


Part of the bathroom.


They had showers

Thank you lounge 4

Yes there is indeed a massage button on my chair

You basically need a telescope to see it
Must fly!
Sorry about the bad dream Kat! Next time I'll be sure to speak only about Schroedinger's equation. However you spell it.
Um ADRIANNE, you still haven't posted pictures of your newest hair coloration alteration thing. You're FIRED. But I love you and I'm SOOOO jealous!!!
You mentioned looking at the book "All About Me" in your last blog, and, yes, it is really depressing. Even worse is the book "All About Us." Don't ever get one of those and don't ever make your significant other fill that crap out. It'll only cause a headache...
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