Thursday, June 01, 2006


I just started my sosc essay for tomorrow. It only hit me after I had entitled it "MY LAST SHIT SOSC ESSAY EVER" that I am indeed writing what will be my last ever sosc essay ever.


I'm almost inclined to make a list of things I learned in sosc this year, but I'm afeared the list would be mighty scant and short indeed. I think it just created a crater of nothingness the size of a grapefuit in the "logical reasoning" section of my brain. That, and just left other areas of my gray matter in humongous knots.

Oh my God. I have the strong urge to throw this computer across the room and stand up on this table and holler. I am going nutty.


At 12:06 AM, Blogger Average Joe said...

I swear you're the only person who reads my blog, Lil'Gyorfi. But I write on anyway because without my mindless weekly e-mails, I lack the therapeutic release they provide. are you? Hopefully you're friends are better than mine. Because, well, all mine or getting married. Or they're gone and they never get back to me about pictures I want.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger adrianne said...

I hope the one that doesn't sent the pictures isn't the one getting married


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