In lieu of actually packing
This is Kat's refrigerator. Say hello.

Hello Kat's fridge.
You will kindly take note of both the intense amount of sodas and the intense amount of ice that is hanging out in the freezer. There are veritable stalactites and stalagmites forming.
A closer look:

You might think it's empty, but the discerning person will be able to distinguish something in the freezer. It's like a Magic Eye.

Can you make out the polar bear?
After finishing up with Kat's fridge, I decided to take on a greater task: The Communal Fridge.
The Communal Fridge during the year has always been a sort of Pandora's Box: you didn't want to open it for fear of what would be unleashed upon the university. Usually we just threw things in there and hoped for the best. You could never put a piece of food in there and expect it to come out tasting the same way after it went through the refrigerator. If you were lucky, it only assumed the taste of one other piece of food in the fridge. Or 2. Other times, you could distinctly detect the flavor of a piece of food that had been consumed about 3 months before. I'm fairly sure there were enough bacteria colonies there to harvest a small vineyard, and if we would have stored more raw foods in there, they probably would have sauteed, flavored, garnished, and served us a 7 course meal on some Limoges porcelain.
Today I decided it was time to dive in and see what the fridge had in store for the residents of 612. Now, I haven't had a particularly good time of it today. I got very severly bellowed at by one stranger, and mildly bellowed at by someone in the street today right after I got severly bellowed at, so I was feeling a little down. But what had given me this idea before was when I was trying to write my sosc essay and I was getting angry I couldnt put 3 sentences together.
The idea was what I would put in a twist on the McDonald's Happy Meal: The Sad Meal.
The Sad Meal would have several things in it. To start with, the lucky customer would get one of the following toys:

So when the person got all excited about the toys, he could move onto the food.
The meal originally consisted of turkey jerky and tofu shrimp. However, I realized the sky was the limit when I opened up the fridge.
The Sad Meal food would consist of the several ingredients listed below:

A vegetable component. Some crisp, inadvertently frozen, near-rotting lettuce with shredded carrot thrown in.

Wizened, vine-ripened cherry tomatoes.

"I'm strong to the finich, 'Cause I eat lots of __________"

Seasoned with salsa whose top looks like this

With some frozen bruschetta as garnish

Olives for the customer who desires finer things in foods

And some ripened strawberries for a healthy snack.
Put it all together and you have:

I know not many people who are going to graduate read this, but congratulations. I hope it stops raining for the ceremony. Because graduations in the rain suck. I speak from experience.
Wow, do a search for 'tomatoes' and you never know what you'll find. This is totally gross, BTW, albeit witty and inventive. Nice blog!
ps for the casual onlooker: that was probably the smallest number of pop cans that has ever been in my fridge, given that we were moving out and that its owners have been (1) nick and (2) me.
oh wow.
adrianne, really never cease to amaze.
are you bringing your amazing self back to the amazing west coast this summer? because if you are, we really must do something amazing.
--someone on the list of people who don't update enough.
That's what most food looks like to me.
That was hilarious, and, for a good few minutes, I didn't think anything was wrong with any of that food.
FYI: Those are grape, and not cherry, tomatoes. But I love you, anyway :-)
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