Friday, June 23, 2006

Pretty irritated that this is the only place to get free wireless in this town

I'm sitting on an overstuffed couch, which I think is supposed to be characterized as "homey" and "comfortable," but which is making me feel all the more self-conscious for sitting, because in couches like this, it is possible for all the extra cushioning around your body to flow freely in any direction instead of being held together in one place with stiff cushions and some strong base support. I guess what ostensibly is a band is playing in the background, although as far as I can tell, it sounds pretty much like a revved-up version of Anthony Harmon's yodelling with a keyboard added.

I could definitely go on about the people who are surrounding me right now, and my recent revelations of how people think they are looking different actually look different in the same ways, but I will spare you the details, because everyone here is old enough to form such observations.

God. The lead singer just started singer. I hope all those stick-thin girls in the corner feel profoundly deep and inspired now.

What I'm really writing about is the Daily News in Adrianne's life: What on earth will Adrianne be doing this summer, and where will she be writing those e-mails from? Where will she be updating this blog from? Where will her next round of insanely strange pictures be taken? Where we she bring us back cheap liquor and easy women from?

Ok, the song this band is playing now is entitled "Adrianne." or "Adrian." Probably the latter, but they have won a new place in my heart. I said this band was bad? Why, they are the next undiscovered talent, hailing straight from my very own Santa Clarita! The new uhhhh...uhhhhhh... .

Instead of sitting here snarkily commenting on everyone around me, I think I should just get to the point:

June 27-August 5: Rome to study
August 5-August 30: Menorca to an archaeology program
September 1-September 20-something: Wherever the wind takes me in Europe.
September 20-something - December 5: Rome to study again. Because if I'm going to be spoiled rotten, might as well do it the right way.

After that I return back here to California. Back to this hub of culture and raw talent, to snobbishly comment on everyone around me.

Don't mind me. I just want to stand up and stop feeling overflowed. I'll go around begging for addresses and things in e-mails to everyone.

I am so distracted.


At 7:08 AM, Blogger Russell said...

The whole begging for addresses thing really didn't work out very well, after all. I guess nobody wants to hear from me ever again.

At 3:32 AM, Blogger adrianne said...

part of the problem could also be that some people have no clue what their addresses will be for the summer


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