Bye bye baby
We’ve had an empty box of Baci chocolates sitting on an unused shelf in my house for the past several years. Every year I go home, I check that box of chocolates to see if it’s magically regenerated the chocolate I ate ages ago. It’s kind of like the college student writing an essay phenomenon: she’ll look in the fridge about 16 times before the first paragraph is finished knowing full well that the only edible thing in the fridge is a half-eaten spoiled fruit salad and some cheese that’s not supposed to be THAT moldy, but MAYBE since the last time she’s looked someone’s slipped a rotisserie chicken with her name on it onto the 3rd shelf. And if that’s not the case, then that withered celery stick and stale Doritos kind of start to look appetizing, after all.
Love is like a bad cough.
Marriage does not exist in heaven. Perhaps because it would upset the general felicity? (Double-whammy – given to me the day I had an extended conversation about how marriage is not the best option for happy couples)
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.
A kiss strikes like lightning; love passes like a storm.
Are they not miserable? Desolate? Ruinous? Absolutely PERFECT?
Because these chocolates ooze delightful quotations of sunshine and I think that Italians are so thin because all they do is eat one of these chocolates as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Italians, too, sound just as negative as these chocolates. Last night I was watching the “All Music” tv station in the hotel which has about 15 minutes of personal ads after each song. The people who are usually advertising themselves are on the last leg of desperation. It’s the step they take before actually making a music video to go on this channel, which is just about the most desperate you can get.
- Girls squeezed into tight midriffs or lounging on the beach in a bathing suit in their most flattering position, and then flapping (rather, I mean DANCING) awkwardly alone to some music
- Guys dressed in some godawful clothes, dancing, and making that shooting pistol thing with their hands at least once because “You dig me, no?”
The interviewer asks several questions from the eligible, sometimes single person, that are usually the same. How old are you (they always blatantly lie about that), what do you do, describe yourself in three words, yadda yadda, and one of the questions usually is “Do you believe in eternal love?” And nine times out of ten, the person says no. I guess it figures, because, after all, they ARE giving their phone numbers out on public television to people who like to watch Christina Aguilera’s “Hurt” or Evanescence’s “Call Me When You’re Sober,” so they probably had some pretty serious revelations in their life.
That, or they've just been eating a ton of chocolate.
Okay I'm STILL not satisfied, since you forgot to put up not only the pics of Katherine & Liam, but of the last night I we spent in Em's room. DO IT!! I love you and thanks for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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