A Most Romantic Sort of Day
While some people seem to be living in places like this:

I seem to be stuck in something like this:
And I would like to remind everyone that 6 months ago or so, I was like this:
Instead of like this:
As you can see, Chicago has turned into the Arctic wasteland. Within a couple of days, I think the top of the Sears Tower will be covered, and I'll be living in my igloo permanently. For now I just take my meals in there after I catch my fish from Lake Michigan.
In any case, before I head out to do some art history, I'd like to wish everyone a very romantic Valentine's Day. On my part, I had a remarkably unromantic one. The closest I got to having a valentine happened at around 11:40 PM when someone was desperate enough to make an attempt at not dying single, lost in the snow. At 11 PM, when I realized that my nutritional value information for the day looked remarkably scant/like a 5 year old's intake on Halloween, I went to Walgreens for some REAL food. While waiting for the bus, I ran into the zealous librarian whose name is Twjan. Written something like that. Pronounced Taiwan. Known as T. Which makes sense. A single person can't handle me, so a nation was sent to deal with my imminent threat waiting to obliterate the world.
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