My brain is not as it used to be
As I've made it painfully apparent to mostly everyone who crosses my path, I have a 10 page Spanish paper due for Wednesday. Last year I also had a 10 page Spanish paper due at the end of spring quarter. I'll bet that I did not complain this much about it though, and that is mostly because I believe at that point in my life I was at the height of my spanish-ization. I was taking 2 classes of Spanish simultaneously, and making sure that everything around me was Spanish. Including the detergent I washed my clothes in and I would refer to Julie as "Julia," Mary Kate as "Gorda," and Kat as "Tonta."
This quarter, however, the situation is significantly different. I did not take Spanish last quarter. The Spanish-est I got was bemoaning the fact that Rome did NOT have Chipotle, and then I would say "guac...a...mobe? mote? mole? Yeah, I quiero some of questa." Gloria Estefan figured nowhere into my daily routine as ravioli and spaghetti became my toilet paper and currency.
I have a Spanish paper due on Wednesday which currently has a one. page. introductory paragraph. Excessive? Mayhaps. But my theory is that there is a proportion between all those hoo-ha long books and the large intros they have. The more the hoo-ha, the longer the intro. Which would explain why my essays on Marx and Adams had a page and a half intro: that much bullshit needs that much bullshit to explain it.
Anyway, this Spanish essay has created many an interesting vision in the past day, one of which was this afternoon as Mary Kate and I sat at the library longingly gazing out of the windows. One thing that remains constant about Chicago is that there is always beautiful weather for finals week. The week before it sucks, and then suddenly during finals week heaven spirits its way down to earth and when everyone is at their lowest, the angels who are sitting on the branches of every tree sticking leaving onto twigs with glitter glue sticks and perfuming budding flowers with their sweet breaths are crooning in harmony "ALLLLLLLLLLELOSERS"
So we were sitting there when Mary Kate said something to the effect if "If we run fast enough against the windows, we could get out of here." And we both automatically envisioned this:

That is bellowed in a Mel Gibson Braveheart voice.
I then had a mini breakdown and bought jam. This is the first jar of jam I bought the entire quarter, and it's nearly gone now. It didn't even last 12 hours. I'm telling you, this brain that normally has cutting edge concentration and focus, it's losing its grip! I thought caribou lived in Africa! I might even be tricked into thinking that I can really leave my essay titles as they are!
Oh, oops. You mean I've done that before?
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