Spring Cleaning
The other day, I grew 10 feet tall. I spread my wings, exercised my rights, stretched my limbs, if you will. I shed some memories of the past. I became a WOMAN.
I erased ALL Pedro the Lion songs from my itunes library. PTL to the "people in the know."
The very natural question to come from my readers now would be "...why in the world did YOU have THAT group in your library?"

It was not voluntary, I assure you. When I entered college, I knew embarassingly little about the ways of the world and of college students. However, I knew even less about what I really liked. And music. And that's still a work in progress, but this is progress! Anyhow, I got here and there were a couple of people on my floor who I got along with. While never really close friends, we were still close enough that one day I was convinced to go to a show of this particular band in Wrigleyville. We got to the show and I immediately knew that really, this band wasn't my cup of tea. I'm an English Breakfast Tea sort of person. Or Black Tea sort of person. Not a Black Tea with a spoonful of tortured and angsty sugar and bitter lemon juice sort of person. Or a Rooibos Tea flavored with my own sad, sad blood sort of person. Nevertheless, I survived and when I got back home there was the "Oh my GOD you don't have an itunes library on your computer!?" conversation, and so this particular person installed it on my computer and bestowed me with every single Pedro the Lion CD he owned. Oh, and I believe also...Simon and Garfunkel. So when I opened up my itunes library, that's ALL I had. Pedro the Lion and Simon and Garfunkel.
By this point in time, I was wise enough to realize that really, I am not a Pedro the Lion sort of person. Can you really picture me (that down there):
Liking Pedro the Lion? That, up there, likes to eat copious amounts of mozzarella cheese and tomatoes. She likes to laugh so hard she cries, and she also likes to boogie. To some degree.
This person, on the other hand...

doesn't look like she likes to boogie. I'd venture to guess that she doesn't like the idea of El Cantante coming out in the movie theaters either. No, it looks like she enjoys wandering empty parking lots at night on her way to some show in some box-ey theater, and then she likes cutting up and sewing 8 t-shirts together to wear.
And while I like pictures like this:
I do not think it represents my empty, empty soul.
So yes. I kept this group in my itunes library because is... a... memory!... must... listen... to... entire... song... when it comes... up... on... shuffle! THUNK (ears fall off and blood begins streaming out of ears)
But every time ohhhhhh how I cringed! Because the EMO-ist or scene-ist I get is unmatching socks. So I kicked PTL out of the nest. I will now download a million salsa songs.
Speaking of spreading wings and leaving nests, last night I had my sort of weekly reunion with my friend from Rome. She broke the news that instead of continuing school here in Chicago, she will be heading out West to try her luck there. Which got me to thinking about a lot of things.
Best of luck to her.
wouldnt it be EMO-est?
I am a pedro the lion type person and resent you referring to them as PTL. I talked to David Bazan and he is awesome. Hope all is well. Hugs.
I have to side with Kris and Fortner on their respective arguments.
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