Thursday, May 03, 2007

Almost Over

Today, after handing in my last essay, I went to my Problems of Modernism: 1913, class. I was pretty tired. This is what I wrote for one of the sentences of my notes:

The artists are attempting to soak some of the others' art through naughty candy

Naughty candy? That came out of NOWHERE. The rest of the sentence might seem stupid to you, only the teacher actually talks that way, and I find him to be so amusing that I write down everything he says. EVERYTHING. Even the sweet jokes he cracks. Even when he ended the lecture with "And next time I will show you MORE pictures of naked men!" Except for the "naughty candy" part, the rest of that sentence makes sense to me, but there was no way he said "naughty candy" at any point in the lecture.

This week has been an absolutely rip-roaring, spine-tingling, rousing, sensational adventure roller coaster ride of a week filled with essays, midterm, essays, essays, essays, midterm, and oh, what the hell, why NOT another essay?

Ok, so maybe that up there is a wee bit of an exaggeration.

Everyone have a really tablecloth evening. I mean nice evening.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

I often tend to find myself in a semi-awake, semi-asleep mode whenever I am tired but still have to sit through lectures, and this sometimes brings on some really weird, dream-like thoughts. Perhaps you were just recording a short episode from your subconscious?

Once, I knew something was wrong when I started hearing children's voices while sitting through a two hour, silent movie (and no, there weren't any children in that cinema).


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