Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Decision

I just decided it would be a shame if I neglected this blog as I have for the past several weeks for the rest of the school year. It's gotten me through 3 years so far, it probably will get me through 1 more, which is more than I can say for some pieces of IKEA furniture. So here it goes: a concerted effort to be more consistent.

Last week I started working at the Special Collections in my library, shoved into the final push of setting up for an exhibition. Which means a lot of caption making. Have you ever thought about what goes into making those labels on walls next to pieces of art? Those small, unassuming, innocuous little pieces of paper most people ignore and tell you what's up about the art? No? I always assumed they were printed directly onto the board and then put up without much to-do about the whole thing. SO WRONG. It involves sweat, blood, sacrifice, x-acto knifes, pins, hot glue guns, and the occasional armed, escaped criminals. After the 3rd day of x-acto knifing I noticed there was something wet all over my hand. Oh! I said to myself, I guess I just popped that blister I got from holding my x-acto for three days straight in the same manner!

And then school started.

So the exhibit is up, school's started, as has Dancing with the Stars. In spite of the massive amount of stuff I have to finish for my BA for Saturday (like, oh, figure out what I will write?), life is looking pretty good for the time being.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Emeasley said...

That was YOU? They were beautiful. and so legible. As someone who worked on captions at the DAM, I can vouch for you that they're a ... bundle of fun. and add that I found I am incapable of cutting straight even with a paper cutter.
also - I'm working on the speculum database! sort of.

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would you like from Santorini, my love?

At 2:31 AM, Blogger Rory Kelly said...

I find it funny how you started this post by saying that you are not going to abandon your blog. I find this funny because not five minutes ago I was perusing my old blog entries, wondering if I should start writing in it again. Then I decided not to. Yours is still fun to read though.

Peace love soul and metronomes.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Miss Self-Important said...

A shame indeed.


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