Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Today I finally had the breakdown I knew was long overdue. I knew it was coming soon, since I had some terrible nightmares the past three nights in a row, which were like this in summary:

1. A friend got engaged to his girlfriend who then committed suicide
2. I went to meet with my BA advisor and didn't have any of the readings done. She was less than overjoyed.
3. Someone got a hold of my credit card information and started buying things willy-nilly on ebay

So I have quite a lot on my plate for this week, BA and midterm wise. I have to have 10 pages of my thesis written, which isn't really too much, but when I consider that some other people in different departments haven't even started thinking about theirs I get peeved. That, plus a Chinese art midterm I have to start studying for in earnest 2 weeks ago lead to the following today:

I went to Italian class to find myself completing an activity dealing with imperfect and past tense verbs in which a story was begun ("One day I was in the house and it was very pretty outside...") and a partner and I had to finish up the story with an appropriately exciting ending. Like "...and then we ran into the river filled with alligators while screaming bloody murder and throwing mozzarella balls!" Only the best we could come up with was something like "...and then we went into the house to eat and do homework." And so my partner (another 4 year who has to hand in a huge chunk of her thesis soon) sat for about 5 minutes while other (younger) students came up with fantastical endings for the story, smiling indulgently at their youthful enthusiasm over learning a new language.

It was after 5 minutes my partner and I realized that the characters in the story were already IN the house, so they couldn't possibly run inside again to eat and do their homework. That would call for a rather existential experience. And then we lethargically tried to come up with a different story, but the best it got was "...and then we ran outside. And then we ran back inside to do our homework and to eat." And after we decided that was ok, I realized that I had written about mozzarella cheese for my Italian composition to hand in that day, and that I had just spent 10 minutes modifying the verbs "to go" and "to eat" to create something for an assignment, and the only thing my partner and I had energy for was this. In the face of what I have to do for the rest of the week, this struck my as absolutely, mind-blowingly funny. So that by the time it was time for my partner and I to present the end of our story, my partner and I were laughing so hard we couldn't talk and I had to put my head under the table to compose myself for the rest of the class.

I am past whining on here. Which might be bad, since, as my friend put it once so well "I'll start worrying about you when you stop complaining."


At 11:47 AM, Blogger Capski said...

i would like to meet the friend who called you on your whining.

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is your birthday obligation to update. LOVE YOU.


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