Friday, November 16, 2007

Always Me

Have you ever had a radiator bust its cap on you? Ever? I have a big presentation coming up on Monday and while this is scary, the radiator blowing up on me was enough to put the fear of God in me.

Where: My bedroom
When: Evening
How: I was sitting around, writing my essay, when I said to myself "You know, I think I would like the heat on a little higher." And so I started to twist the radiator cap and before I knew it, with a magnificent "POP," I was holding the cap in my hand and there was an Old Faithful geyser fountain of hot steam blasting forth from my radiator. And I really do mean Old Faithful when I say it. Within seconds I could not see anything in my room.

This is about the time that I screamed, grabbed my computer, and high-tailed it out of my bedroom.

My bedroom was a bonafide sauna in no time at all, and shortly afterward the fire alarm was set off. After several minutes, Old Faithful exhausted itself and I was able to go back in to open the window and to sit and ponder how I manage to do these things.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Miss Self-Important said...

Next time, I assume you will just put on a sweater?


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