My method of packing currently involves me putting an article of clothing into a suitcase, walking over to the computer to check if the Kodak Picture Gallery website is working, and then cursing it to hell because it's down "temporarily" for "maintenance" so I can't put pictures up on blog.
They're not even my own pictures, but still. You could get an idea via Katie of what it's been like for me here.
Right now I'm listening to some songs that I last listened to over Christmas break. Christmas break sucked, because every Christmas break is only slightly better than getting wisdom teeth pulled out without anaesthesia. I've got a bottle of my roommate's vodka sitting next to my left elbow, so this means that I could take a swig after each sock I put into my suitcase and check-up on the Kodak Picture Gallery. This way, I might have fun packing while enjoying the Christmas music that's playing.
Website working now
But to continue, I mean, if someone could get this excited over a drink the first night here:

there's no telling what she might do when she's packing the last night.
Those there girls up there are my roommates. From left to right, Katie Wilhelm (goes to St. Louis University), Sheila Baxter (goes to UC Santa Cruz, has been here since last August), and well, I suppose that grinning, satisfied idiot in the right side of the picture would be Adrianne Gyorfi.
This was the beginning of the surprisingly short downward spiral into utter corruption. Not really.
So, here's Samantha. Kind of.

That's Samantha on the left side of the picture. I don't know what she was thinking when that picture was taken, or in fact if she was thinking. If I were to guess, though, I'd say that either she was thinking about squirrels or the really cheap beer that flowed through the streets of Granada. The guy in the middle was someone we met at the hostal in Granada from Singapore. He had an impossible name to pronounce, so he told us to call him John.

That picture is from my recent trip to Sevilla. From left to right, Michael, my kind of sort of roommate Ludi, Katie, Juan (who was the guy I actually talked to on the plane), me, and Jose María.
And finally, just to round it off, a cute picture of my roommates again where I'm not getting a drink shoved into my face:

These past few days I've been INCREDIBLY paranoid that I'd get my wallet stolen. Several kids at school have had theirs stolen over this past weekend, including Samantha, so I've been very vigilant.
I would like to take this time to tell Samantha how sorry I am that I'm not going to see her before I leave, but that I'll be seeing her plenty in Chicago since she is one of 4 cool people living there. The other three are my roommates. And I also hope that she has a lot of fun here with Cedo. By the way, I did not go to Templo Debod the other night because, well, ummm, I thought it would be pretty cool if Samantha and Cedo went without having to babysit anyone.
So, I've got to pack now. Tomorrow, I'm off for a few days, will be back the third of August, then move on the 4th to Hungary, where I will update much less frequently.
I love everyone.