I had a REALLY SHITTY day (113th post. 13=unlucky number)
Today was supposed to be the day I would have gotten the Oxford application OFF my hands and into the air to be thrown at some British fellow's doorstep to be read and ultimately rejected. However, I've still got the application, recommendation, transcript, AND term paper all nestled safe and sound in my backpack.
I'll tell you the entire story of woe from the beginning.
So, my recommendation teacher wrote me "Ok, yes, I'll do the recommendation for you, it'll be in my mailbox early afternoon to be picked up." So I figured, "Ok, I'll go after work to pick it up at 2:45, and go to the post office and have PLENTY of time before the express is taken away at 4:15."
I got to the post office and there was a line out the door, so by the time I got to the counter it was 3:20. There was 3-5 day shipping which is way too long...I could put my application in a bottle, throw it in the Atlantic, and have it arrive in Oxford before that. So I decided I'd pay the extra $10 to FedEx the envelope, only you need a phone number for that, which I naturally didn't have. So I take myself to the library, get the phone number, go back, and while I'm waiting to get it FedEx-ed, I realize I don't have the $20 check for the school. So I go over to CitiBank and tell them what my problem is, that I need a money order or check or whatever, and they're all "Oh, you can do that at the post office for a lot cheaper," so I go BACK to the post office, and then the lady tells me "Oh, we do money orders to everywhere EXCEPT England."
By that time the bank had closed, so all I could manage was a whimper "Wow, things really aren't going my way," before I started crying FOR THE SECOND TIME IN PUBLIC AT SCHOOL.
Damn PMS or something. I don't know what. Exhaustion? Too many applications I STILL have to turn in?
So I decided I'd fax the stuff I can and write the people a very nice cover letter explaining that the stars are aligned against me and I can only get my application in a day late. But I had every (excuse me) fucking fax machine in the entire damn universe conspiring against me, too.

Multiply THAT 12 times and then, only then, people, will you taste utter failure and unfathomable bitterness towards every machine and person in the entire world. I wanted to either rip my skin off, or play a pin the tail on the donkey with a machine gun and on all the customers in Kinko's.
Even on the way over to Kinko's I ran into some random kid who was in my math class last year, I don't even remember his name, and I basically latched on to him with "OH MY GOD, I'M SO MISERABLE AND GIVE ME CHOCOLATE BEFORE I EAT YOU!", and he probably thought I was insane. I did get chocolate, though.
So, I currently hate:
The post office
Fax Machines
But I do not hate all these as much as I hate myself.
Oh, yeah. I was also wet while this happened because I didn't think it would start snowing/raining today, and took nothing waterproof with me.
(Side Note: Yes. It is just an application. Cool it, Adrianne.)